“10 to those who are as obsessed with some things as you are”
And my gay smut doesn’t bother Jordan at all?
Name: Jordan Brown Age: 17 Nationality: Kiwi/Aussie (roots back to scotland and europe... also possibly 1/16th aboriginal...) Single/Taken: Taken by the loverly bec :) Favorite Color: Green. Don't even get me started Favorite Singer: Christian Alvestam. Like seriously. Dude. Favorite Band: Scar Symmetry. The dude's (previous) band before the asshole left it. Favorite female celebrity: uh. Shit. I have no fucking clue Favorite male celebrity: Dani Filth, he's cool. Favorite Movie: V for Vendetta / Princess Mononoke Things you love: Bec :3 Things you like: Playing guitar, music (Death Metal, Metal, good Dubstep etc), food. Things you hate: Posers, bad liars, hk's, Shit Stack, Places you want to go to: England, Sweden, Germany Describe yourself in 3 words: Sarcastic, skinny, sexy (says bec) Rate my blog from 1-10: 10 to those who are as obsessed with some things as you are :D Something you want to tell me: I... Don't know... Something you want to ask me: Sup nigs?