You should fill this out.
Yes, I know you won’t, you lazy cunts. You won’t even bother reading through this.
Current Mood:
Name & Occupation: (Professional Couch Potatoe/Chronic Lazy Arse are also legit)
Age & Location (So I can watch you while you sleep):
Why the Christ you’re following me:
How you like your coffee:
What you need to see more/less of:
Early riser?
You’re ideal person has now walked into the room, describe them!
Sexual Preference, eh?:
All the hair colours you’ve ever had:
Currently listening to:
You have three wishes, however, you must make them in the next 15 seconds,
What are they?
Freakish Habits:
One thing that you particularly enjoy but really shouldn’t:
You could be anyone for a day (Including dead or fictional) and the fun, evil little things you simply know you’d end up doing:
You have just received a letter from the writer of your most cherished show. They’re allowing you to create a single episode which will be accepted as cannon. The rating mustn’t change. Other than that, you can do fuck all. Now do tell.
Fandoms and pairings! Go!
I need to know my followers better.