Channel: Garbage can.
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honey-im-holmes: The Doctor confuses declarations of insanity...



The Doctor confuses declarations of insanity with insults to his fashion sense.

That’s mah Doctah

poodleduchess replied to your post: Oh, internet. people are just people. jump off the high horse...


poodleduchess replied to your post: Oh, internet.

people are just people. jump off the high horse and embrace the delicious evilness.

 Oh trust me, I do.
It’s just so pointless over the Internet tho.

If you’re going to be evil, be evil to the people in your life. Especially when they’re evangelical bible teachers  That’s always fun. 
Not a screen. That’s just annoying. 

If you have no people in your life to be evil to- 

I was supposed to have finished this essay hours ago

Article 17

dreamcatchernights replied to your post: I was supposed to have finished this essay hours ago Ahaha...


Losin' followers like it's my job


I should post my gorgeous face more often.


poodleduchess replied to your post: poodleduchess replied to your post: Oh,… true dat.  Nobody...

Computer, what the flying fuck is Growl?


Computer, what the flying fuck is Growl?

dude, is it bad that I only like Megan now that she's an awesome alien monstrous looking thing that has self insecurity issues?


It’s not bad. She seemed too perfect before, and that shits people because it’s absolute bull. (I haven’t even seen the episode yet, but I know what you’re on about)

poodleduchess: spoiler dude I love her like this. She’s...




dude I love her like this. She’s beautiful. OK. I know she doesn’t like herself like this. But it’s like with me I kinda don’t like my face without the makeup but I am still ok with myself without the makeup. I hope she can accept her natural form some day because it is pretty fucking badass.

poodleduchess replied to your post: dude, is it bad that I only like Megan now that she’s an...


poodleduchess: the-paper-street-soap-company: you know you’re insane when you have to skip school...




you know you’re insane when you have to skip school because you’re having a bad suicidal thoughts day. actually, thats not funny at all. I’m trying to distract myself from suicide so I can get things done today and I’m doing a horrible job at it. 

write a lot of stuff and rewatch all your favorite shows and idk, watch some more favorite shows and spend time with your dolls and cats and stuff. do makeup. something.

^ I’m in absolutely no position to give advice but,
Pamper yourself! Get a new haircut and re-dye your hair and spend hours on make-up and re-do your nails and just indulge all goddamn day long just because you fucking can.
It’s something to do, it’s distracting at the least. Ought to make you feel better for at least a little while.



fer1972: La Santa Muerte by angelero

[[MORE]]Life’s supposedly more difficult then ever and yet lately I’ve had a surge of...


Life’s supposedly more difficult then ever and yet lately I’ve had a surge of optimism. I feel as if that even if I fuck up school completely, I can still manage to create a brilliant life for myself. (A complete contrary to the last five years) I guess I’m learning that it’s okay to chill the fuck out every now and then, and I don’t need to take everything so seriously. (Which I wasn’t even aware that I was doing previously)

Maybe my brain chemicals are finally calming down.
Or maybe I’m just better off left to my own devices.

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